Grievances, Appeals & Ratings

Tennis is best enjoyed when everyone plays fair. Please let us know if you have a question or concern.


  • A Grievance is defined as a “written formal complaint regarding an alleged violation of regulation or procedure.”

  • Any league captain, coordinator or member of a championship committee has the right to file a NTRP Grievance against a player and/or captain.

  • The grievance will claim that the player and/or captain committed or condoned obtaining a Self Rate or possesses a rating which is at a lower NTRP level but has demonstrated the ability to compete at a higher NTRP level.

  • To file a grievance, click here.


Year-End Ratings Appeals

  • An individual must play at their published rating or higher. 

  • Appealing will not reveal your rating in 100th of a point.

  • You will receive an automatic response advising whether granted or denied.

  • Once you select up or down and click submit at the bottom of the appeal page, your request is final. You cannot go back.

    • When appealing up, the player's rating is compared to the player's current play level to see if it is within range. 

    • When appealing down, the player's rating is compared to the next play level below the player's level to see if it is within range.  

  • Only a player logged into their USTA Account may appeal their rating.

  • Please note that no championship benchmark rating may be appealed the first year received except for medical reasons.

  • For automatic online appeals, please click here

Self-Rate Appeals

The following procedures are for self-rated players only.

  • If the player has not self-rated they must takes these steps first and then follow steps 4-9 below:

    • Step 1: Click here to register for the "Dummy Team"

    • Step 2: Enter in your membership number and this team number: 2005926810

    • Step 3: An alert message will appear in red. It will first say that you have an expired rating and you need to self-rate yourself. Click on the link to self-rate yourself and answer the questions they provide you. You will still come out as a 4.5 but then you can take the next steps to appeal. You need to be logged into your TennisLink account to do this. If you don’t have one you should create one. Once you have logged in and self-rated continue to the steps below. 

  • If players have already self-rated themselves and they would like to appeal their rating they should take the following steps: 

    • Step 4: Click here to register for the "Dummy Team"

    • Step 5: Enter in your membership number and this team number: 2005926810

    • Step 6: An alert should appear that says the player’s NTRP rating is too high for team entered.

    • Step 7: There should be a link/button with the option to appeal your rating (unless you have already appealed your rating within the past year in which an alert will appear saying you have already appealed in the past year) 

    • Step 8: Complete and submit the NTRP Self-Rate Appeal Form (please make sure they are as descriptive as possible so the committee doesn’t have to request additional information) 

    • Step 9: This information will be automatically forwarded on to our Appeals Committee who will then make a decision on whether to grant or deny each appeal it will say it takes up to 3 weeks, but it shouldn't take more than a week or two. 


Medical Appeals

  • A medical appeal may be made by a computer-rated player only.

  • Appeals for medical reasons must be submitted on the Medical Appeal Form and be accompanied by a completed Attending Physician’s Statement.

  • The appeal must be regarding a permanent disabling injury or illness occurring after year-end ratings were achieved.

  • To file a medical appeal, click here.

Filing Instructions

To submit a grievance or appeal, please mail, e-mail or fax forms to:

USTA Hawaii Pacific Section
Attn: Sara Yoshinaga, Director of Adult Tennis
1888 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite C309
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Fax: (808) 585-9512