League Overview

Tri-Level is not a recognized USTA League National program and match scores are not included in a player’s year-end NTRP rating calculation. There is a Sectional Championship to determine the teams that will compete at each level at the Tri-Level Invitational.

This is a doubles league for men and women 18 years of age and older. A player must be 18 years of age prior to the start of the league. The league season is July - October.

The NTRP levels of play are 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 in separate men's and women's divisions.

A team match consists of (1) doubles matches. The match format is best of 2 tiebreak sets with a 10-point tiebreak in lieu of a 3rd set and ad scoring. The switching of sides for service during any tiebreak shall follow the Coman Tiebreak Procedure. 

The minimum number of players on a team is 2, maximum 6 players. 

The league fee is $27 per player.


Players should not participate in this league unless the player is expected to receive a year-end computer rating "C" designation based on participation in the current year’s Adult division. A self-rated player's "C" year-end rating must not be higher than the Tri-Level playing level.

Only "C" computer rated players are allowed to compete in the Tri-Level Invitational. No "S" Self-rated, "M" Mixed Exclusive, "T" Tournament, or "A" Appeal players will be eligible to compete.

League Timeline

  • Player Registration Opens: June 14, 2021

  • Minimum Roster Deadline: July 26, 2021

  • Player Registration Closes: August 18, 2021

  • League Season: July 26 - October 15, 2021

  • Section Championships: TBA

  • National Championship Information

  • League Coordinator: Carla LaFratta chlafratta@gmail.com

    Contact the Coordinator if you are a player looking to join a team or a captain looking for players.